Are you thinking of taking a holiday in the UK?
Do you want to try a Narrowboat Holiday in the beautiful English countryside?
Great news…We have been given the all clear to take bookings again!
Following advice from the Canal and Rivers Trust and having received updated information from British Marine we are now taking bookings again for the remaining part of this year. We will start operating fully again with new social distancing guidelines from 4th July 2020 and you can book with us straight away.
If you wish to book a UK holiday aboard a Narrowboat on the Beautiful Ashby Canal in the Heart of the Rural Midlands Countryside then please check our availability here you can then Contact us here!
The only changes that will affect you will be…
- Please bring a face covering with you. This is so we can interact with you when there is not enough room to distance at 1m.
- We will also need to give instruction to just one person onboard whilst others wait outside the boat.
- Hand Sanitizer will be given to you to use before entering the boat.
Don’t feel afraid to be using a face mask as we will also need to be wearing them too!
The Lock-less Ashby Canal
Firstly the Ashby canal is the number 1 favorite canal for people wishing to cruise the cut without the stress of having to open and close lock gates. The “Ashby” as it is known locally consists of 22 miles of lock free canal cruising and runs mainly through a SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) area known for its flora and fauna.
Secondly, it doesn’t stop there! The Ashby Canal joins the Coventry Canal at Marston Junction and turning left towards Hawkesbury junction gives you another 1.5 miles of canal cruising before reaching a small lock (1 ft deep). From Hawksbury Junction you can head along the Oxford canal for another 13 miles without encountering any more locks. This route gives you a possible 36.5 miles of cruising with one tiny lock.
Another route without having to encounter any locks takes you through to the Coventry basin. From Hawkesbury junction stay on the Coventry canal and head south. The Coventry basin is roughly another 4 miles from here. This route gives you a total of 26 miles of lock free canal cruising. more about the Ashby Canal here.
Midland Mallard on the Lock-less Ashby Canal
Setting off on a cruise from Bosworth Marina on the Ashby Canal.
Alternative routes would be to head right at the bottom of the Ashby canal (Marston Junction) and head towards Atherstone top lock. This journey would also add another 7 miles of lock free cruising to your journey. Together this journey gives you 29 miles of lock free Narrowboat cruising.
Lastly don’t forget there is the return journey allowing you to visit the places you may have missed journeying down. Either way we are sure you will find your experience cruising around the lock free Ashby canal a pleasant and peaceful one.
If you wish to book a Canal Boat Journey please follow this link